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Supply Chain Disaster Preparedness Manual - CDC

1 Feb 2018 12:25 PM | Anonymous

The Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response of the CDC has released the Supply Chain Disaster Preparedness Manual, designed to help supply chain managers become more familiar with the hazard scenarios likely to impact their facilities or systems and their communities.

The Manual was developed with significant input from subject matter experts. To that end, its purpose is to help supply chain managers:

  • Become more familiar with the hazard scenarios likely to impact their facility or system as well as their community.
  • Develop supply chain-related plans to help respond to these scenarios.
  • Begin developing an all-hazards cache of medical supplies to ensure a hospital or healthcare system is prepared for these hazard scenarios. 

The primary target audience includes healthcare supply chain managers and healthcare (facility) emergency managers. Other users of the Manual could include healthcare supply distributors, healthcare administrators, clinicians, and government and nonprofit professionals involved in disaster planning and response.

 The Framework can help communities address the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) and Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) capabilities.  The Manual contains multiple chapters, all of which can be used in sequence or independently.   The Word document may be downloaded and customized for your own community’s needs.

Here is the link to the document - https://www.cdc.gov/phpr/ readiness/healthcare/ SupplyChainDisasterPreparednes sManual.htm

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